
Negative-pressure professional domes


Super lightweight 360-degree immersive projection screens

Emerald™ LITE-Domes are the perfect solution for schools, science centers, immerse gaming products and fulldome production studios. The LITE domes are lightweight yet durable Hemispherical 360-degree dome screens. Using our 'micro-elements-fabric IV' you will have an amazing fulldome environment in a snap!


EMERALD™ LITE-planetarium domes are designed for professional, fulldome production & gaming setups with an emphasis on fast installation and ease of use. Sizes range between 3M-12M in diameter (larger domes available upon special order). Optimized for digital projection using the EMERALD™'s 'Micro-ElementsIV-Fabric'. 

The LITE negative pressure dome is made out of super light materials so it can be hung from virtually any surface and at any angle (depending on the model).

Using Emerald™ Fulldome 360-degree Projection Systems you will enjoy a perfect balance between size, cost effectiveness and fulldome image quality.
This is a perfect solution for demanding fulldome content creation, post-productions and professional planetariums.

LITE-domes are made out of an external "shell" of aluminum/steel poles, external cover and internal high performance ("flat") dome projection screen.
They can be hung from the ceiling or to be used as an integrated unit with an entrance door.

Using Emerald™ projection system and dome solutions, you may rest assured your astronomical environments are as immersive and awesome as they get.

EMERALD™ fulldome planetarium projection systems can turn Hemispherical and Tilted domes into 3D 4D and even 5D immerse systems! This can also include 3D projection capability with moving and vibrating chairs, wind and even special smells.

Make sure to also check out our Fiberglass & Perforated Hemispherical dome solutions


Contact us for further information

Emerald LITE negative-pressure Dome operation


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