Planetarium simulation software


Present reach astronomical fulldome content, explore the night sky and share folklore tales with your audience.  

Real-time positions & planetary dynamics. Touch controls enable touch-screen navigation.

 Includes High-Resolution data sets of the Earth, solar system and Deep-Space objects for incredible detail

The software is Intuitive, Powerful and Easy to use


  • Powerful zoom
  • Time control
  • Multilingual interface
  • Fisheye customized projection for planetarium domes
  • Equatorial and azimuthal grids
  • 'Real-skyview' technology
  • Support for Earth based visualization as well as sky based visualization
  • Eclipse simulations
  • Ability to observe 3D spherical environments such as the Sky, earth, moons and Planets
  • Highly detailed sky, earth and planet database





*Included with our PRO packages


MV² offers a full library of shows (ready for play scripts) from many fields of interest; such as Astronomy, Geology, Scales of the Universe in Powers of 10 and more...

Emerald™ PRO fulldome systems also include advanced simulation capabilities, employs powerful everyday tools to analyze and visualize complex data sets while containing the most up-to-date astronomical data.

You can use the built-in fulldome shows - or create your own planetarium shows with up to 8K staggering resolution. While embedding music, animations, images and your custom narration. You can also download and share shows with the global planetarian community. The system can be used both online and offline - without Internet connection.

  • Ability to view, create and edit your own planetarium shows: Full-dome tour authoring, with Fulldome playback with overlays & images
  • Prepare and print three-dimensional terrain with 3D Printing Support
  • 3D Solar System trajectory view with moon orbits, asteroids and more!


Intuitive & flexible navigation - flying across terrains and deep space is easy, using an Xbox controller





Educator's Tour - Powerful scripting technology which include audio narrations. This allows users to create their own prerecorded planetarium shows.

The Astronomy visualization software gives our users the ability to use hundreds of shows, from a variety of learning fields, while achieving thier local curriculum & STEM goals.


Ready made shows: you can use MV² in order to download, create and present shows that are timed to music and to pre-recorded or live narration. Just push a button and the show runs.

Pre-rendered movie for playback and distribution: MV² can directly render uncompressed dome master frame sequences, at up to 8k resolution. Planetarium operators can use this amazing capability to render an entire full-dome movie. The movie can be then loaded and presented by using any Emerald planetarium system. You can package this movie for distribution as a pre-rendered show or as a ready made show.






Multidisciplinary curriculum support

MV² and planetarium platform, allowing you to see the sky in a way you have never seen it before through individual exploration; multi-wavelength views; stars and planets within context to each other; the ability to zoom in and out; and the capability to create, search and view guided tours of the universe.

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You can view the entire solar system in 3D with light and shadows created from the sun, and can explore the Earth and Mars in incredible detail. You also can watch planets orbit around the sun, and moons orbit around planets. The Visual Experience Engine delivers seamless panning and zooming around the night sky, with sky image that provides an unmatched panorama of the heavens. MV² delivers seamless integration of scientifically relevant information, including multi-wavelength, multiple-telescope distributed image and data sets, and one-click contextual access to distributed Web information and data sources.

  • Catalogues with up to 210 million stars
  • Enhanced nebula catalog (including NGC,IC objects and more)
  • Enhanced Milky Way databse
  • Very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset, the planets and their satellites
  • We also supports AVM! (database currently contains 7000+ AVM-tagged images and counting)
  • Render uncompressed dome master frame sequences, production of Fulldome masters at up to 8k resolution




Continue your immersive fulldome journey into the human body

Using medical accurate anatomy models, your students will be able to get inside the macro and micro world of Biology.

A variety of packages available - from molecules to the entire human body!

human heart

 human sk

Contact us for further details


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