Curriculum for planetariums

& STEAM topics

Astronomy 101 part2 - NASA's deep space webcast

Grades: Elementary School – High School
Subject: Astronomy 101

Intended Learning Outcomes
Join NASA and Emerald planetariums in a special deep space journey through a robotic telescope!
In this session, students will learn how to observe and appreciate our deep space universe using all of our senses.
A virtual journey through a telescope with musical representation (sonification) to those who are blind, turning light-photons into sound!

Using a sophisticated robotic telescope and a super sensitive cooled CCD camera, special musical image sonifications for those who are blind and an expert astronomer who will provide live explanations.

This international webcast includes live images of Deep Space Objects accessible to everyone through an integrated presentation of live images, real-time and prerecorded musically encoded image sonification, scientific narration. The images of space will be captured live through the Educational Internet accessible telescope of the Bareket Observatory in Israel, with expert commentary from Dr.Mark Hammergren of the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, USA.

Included hand book and online resources

Strategies for Diverse Learners
Online resources

Emerald Planetariums Technologies
Live-observatory-planetarium connection [L.O.P.C]
Planetarium simulation software MV2


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