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FIXED Planetariums Control Units

The EMERALD™-FIXED professional planetarium systems offers advanced control and production units.

Contact us regarding the control unit suited for your needs.

fixed dome projection



Control & production station

Control station for FIXED models : HD screens, mouse and keyboards. Enables optimal control of the planetarium system, software and creation of custom fulldome content up to 8K as well as audio recording. Intuitive & flexible navigation - flying across terrains and deep space is easy using an Xbox controller.




Remote-Dome Console (RDC)

The Remote-Dome Console (R-D-C) enables the user to control the system remotely, up to 50-feet from the control center and to operate the planetarium simulation software and full-dome planetarium shows from any place within the planetarium dome.

The RDC will enable the dedicated planetarian to operate the entire live show from any place within the dome or to keep track of the prerecorded show in any given moment, even from outside the dome!

The RDC-upgrade include a remote screen, smart gesture-enabled touch-pad, High-definition IPS display and detachable keyboard.

remote dome console

 Image: remote controlling the Emerald™ planetarium's software using the RDC




Live-Observatory-Planetarium-Connection (LOPC)

The advanced Live-Observatory-Planetarium-Connection system - enables live-imaging presentation of the night sky in fulldome technology.

The L.O.P.C system allows direct connection to observatory-class fully remote-controlled telescopic system, enabling direct control, or autonomous operation ('tour') by premade scripts.
The connection can be established within the Emerald projection systems with L.O.P.C capability and require Internet connection.

internet telescope15


Contact us for further information




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